Sunday 18 February 2007

lessons i have least i think i have!!

lessons i have learnt ..i think ..

* Not everyone will agree with me.
* Parents are always correct (even if they seem to be off their rocker !)
* It's humanly impossible to win 'em all.
* People DON'T change.
* Being selfish is not necessarily a bad thing.
* I should learn to stop being so judgmental.
* I should learn to be more optimistic.
* I should sleep at an early hour so that i wake up "fresh as a daisy" and be productive !!
* Orating is entertaining!
* Things and people aren't always as they seem ...(and i learnt it the tough way)
* Looking up and walking makes a big difference!
* Blogging is diverting !!
* My world of make-believe is more whoopee!
* I was not born with a stop or pause button.
* Intelligent and smart are different concepts (trust me, i speak from experince!)
* Ignorance and indifference, really are bliss.
* My vocab has been flushed down the toilet...!


Unknown said...

well i just want to say that...."this is my 1st blog comment and ..." aaahhh bullshit what is wrong with u baba...ur so creative and ur just not bein focused enough....just be the malu i meet for the 1st time in venky watch that movie...the girl i liked!!!mniss ya malu!!

still water said...
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