Friday 16 March 2007

Live and let ME Live ....

This is your problem.."
"I don't think what you're doing is right..."
"Oh! you have a long way to go before you grow up.."

These are just some of the things that I have been told about myself. It seems as though everyone I meet wants me to change in a way that seems to appease them, yet they live in complete oblivion about how I feel. I mean do they stop to think that maybe, just maybe (by some freak chance) I am doing the best that I can ?? That maybe I am being who I want to be and not who they want me to be? Just because they might have grown up different and or maybe they have more "experience" under their belt, does NOT by a long shot give them the right to enforce their ideas on me or anyone else ...

I'm not sure how many can relate to what I am saying here... but have you ever stopped to wonder that when you pass a comment which hints or directly makes a statement about your (negative) feelings for someone else, seem a little selfish? And what would the repercussion be if it happened to you? I mean sure we're not ok with loads of things people around us do, but there are times that we just shut up and make out peace with it and move on ...(a hint to the wise!)

It may also seem here that I am implying that I do not take criticism very well ..but ..uh ...excuse me ..who the F*#@ does??? who on earth will smile and take a critical comment as if someone were showering them with compliments?

Its one thing to air ur opinion because of "freedon of speech" ...but its a whole different story when you're trying to impose your ideals on someone else just because you seem to have an "understanding" (conclusions based on hasty judgements more than sound analysis) of the other person ...whatever...
So the next time you plan to open your trap to tell someone what you think they should be doing ..just once ..get out and look at yourself ..chances are might be doing the same thing you're about to criticise ....

I plan to sum up my ranting by saying...nobody is perfect and NEITHER ARE YOU !!
So back off and let me be with my flaws ...i happent to like them ...!

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